So I think the last time I left off with a major confession of my "falling off the wagon" and my multiple promises to get "back on the horse" and "back in the game." (Yes.. those are a lot of little metaphors aren't they? But hey who doesn't love a little visualization right? Right!)
So let's start with my current Weigh In:
Current Weight: 225 lbs (Yes it looks like I'm still stuck in the 220's but due to my horrid eating habits in the last few weeks I think that's ok)
Work Out Achievement(s): Last week my crew and I had a lot of fun (NOT!) in the summer sun hiking from plot to plot and in the weekend we moved to a whole new campsite and area where we have to hike for a little less than an hour to get to our work site.
The view is unbelievable:
and the hike is definitely going to help. I'm sure of it!
Other than that, today I decided to stay in civilization to get some needed internet time in but to also get some gym tme in:
I went to the gym and worked out like mad at cardio. So much so that 10 minutes in I was already not only covered in sweat but dripping in it too. I think that's a good sign.
To treat myself at a job well done I decided to dress up today too. :)
I am currently wearing a "little black dress" with my cool "bling" summer sandals with my hair down in perfect riglets. hehehe.. It might not be a completely new look.. but my white legs are getting some time out of my heavy pants, my hair is getting some bouncy sun time and I don't know.. I'm feeling "pretty". LOL LOL LOL Which is something I think I need since most of the time I look like this:
yeah.. I know.. bleh
All in all I know I have to work harder in to getting out of this weight slump (and probably plateau) but I don't think I have to guilt trip myself and make myself miserable to get back in to it. I can struggle to get back "in the game" with a smile on my face thank you very much.
Goal(s): I decided I need more specific goals than "work out more" and "stop eating so much junk". So I decided to restart my "no juices" streak. I broke it a few weeks ago and have been drinking Lipton green tea bottles (you know the sweet ones from the 7-11.. yeah those ones)
And also I think I have to start working on working out for 15 minutes minimum inside my tent (the tent I use for work is f-ing huge! I could pretty much stand in it and slightly bend my head.. not to mention I can lay flat in any angle possible and still not hit the other side of the tent.. sweet right? I thought so) to make up for whatever I'm not doing when I'm in the field.
The Spark has great and simple 10 minute combination work outs I could try out. The best part about that is that they're user friendly and most of the workouts don't require any extra equipment besides your body. LOL
So those are my goals for the week(s). Wish me luck everyone. And I hope everyone is having a nice and cool summer!~