
On a Journey to Wellness

Come with me on my journey to losing weight, getting healthy and going out to meet the world head-on!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Quick and Dirty Weigh In

Last week I didn't end up spending much time hiking with kids. However I DID end up doing the hike with the group. Six hour day hike going from 9,600 ft in elevation and climbing up to 11,400 ft to a beautiful peak. That made up for the laziness of the rest of the week. Because of it I got good news from the scale yesterday morning.

Current Weight: 205.0 lbs

I lost exactly one pound again! I'm so glad I was able to keep my 1 lb/week streak!


I did calorie count last week but I don't have the information on me. I know I over ate twice last week. Same with work outs. I was lazy but that epic hike on Thursday was amazing.


I've been indulging this week so far. I need to make sure I stay within the calorie limits this week.
It's been a hot week so far so I'm having no trouble drinking water.
The main goal is to keep my one pound loss/ week streak.

Good luck and happy 4th of July!

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