
On a Journey to Wellness

Come with me on my journey to losing weight, getting healthy and going out to meet the world head-on!

Friday, September 5, 2014

CCS Week 2 Days 4 & 5

Summing up two days of calorie counting. First off yes I'm still at it and I'm very happy to say that it's getting easier to do. I hope I can finish the week and move on to week 3!

Yesterdays calories ended up being a bit of a disaster. I had my food prepared but ended up eating from the group so I ate double at most meals.

Day 4 calories:

Breakfast: 699 calories (breakfast sausage can do that)

Lunch: 548 calories (who knew drinking a gatorade with lunch would add so many calories?)

Dinner: 528 calories (it was hamburger day. I ate two patties.)

Snacks: 232 calories (banana, peanut butter and honey, my "dessert" and a price to pay)

TOTAL: 2007 calories!

What a mess.

The good news is that yesterday I also got a chance to swim again! I waited a while to swim again because I had this nasty burn/scab that was healing around my ankle. It hurt to kick while I swam so I stopped. It's almost completely healed so I finally decided to go back to the pool!

Day 5 calories:

Breakfast: 467 calories

snack: 200 calories (granola bars that had some not-so-great ingredients in it)

Lunch: 408 calories

snack: 343 calories (I guess all this grazing could be considered dinner but it just wasn't)

Dinner: 171 calories

I had a break this evening and I admit instead of going to the gym I ended up watching 2 hours of Once Upon a Time on Netflix. I love this show mainly because the main character is a strong female lead. I also love fairy tales and am intrigued in how this shows mixes them together without making it seem too silly.

A part of me kept reminding me to get up and go to the gym but I kept convincing myself that I would just work out at home. I had dumbbells and a bike. I didn't need to go to the gym, right?

After I finished the last episoe I got up and looked at my profile in the mirror. It was a good day for self image and I felt like I LOOKED better. I even grabbed the measuring tape and measured my middle quickly. It showed a smaller waist. I checked the time and saw it was 7:30pm. I quickly decided that I would go to the gym anyway.

By 8pm. I was at the gym one hour before closing, and immediately jumped on the elliptical and did 35 hard minutes on it. It felt great. I realized that although I didn't NEED to go to the gym the routine of going was more of the point. That getting off my ass and driving 10 miles to the gym and jumping on a machine, diving in to a pool or snatching a couple of dumbbells there felt more like a sense of commitment and accomplishment than just doing simple stretches at home. I had to keep it up in order to tell myself that I'm doing something for my health. It was the act of getting my gym bag and deciding health over laziness. It felt great.

Sense of dedication and accomplishment

So I'm really hoping that despite my pig out on Thursday I can continue to lose some pounds this weekend and get closer to 205 lbs by Monday.

I'm so happy this calorie count streak is still going strong.


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