
On a Journey to Wellness

Come with me on my journey to losing weight, getting healthy and going out to meet the world head-on!

Monday, December 5, 2011

So. Incredibly. Sore

As I mentioned in my last post I've started a new strength training routine following exercises from a book. Things seem to be going well but yesterday's "easy" exercises left me incredibly sore. To top that I decided to go on a hike with my co-worker. We ended up going up and down a canyon for 9 miles. Guess what that did to my legs. Yup! Sore!

My shoulders are sore from carrying a backpack.
My triceps are slightly sore from Seated Dips and Let Me Ups/Pull ups.
My upper abs are slightly sore from Pilates.
My glutes are sore from squats.
My inner thighs are incredibly sore from Romanian Dead Lifts.
My knees are sore from hiking up hill.
My feet are sore from hiking downhill.
My quads are sore from all of the above.
My calves are not sore but might as well be from the pain I get when I stretch my legs.

What does this mean?

Elina had a great weekend!

I just have to keep it up this week and not go on an eating binge or something crazy like that.

I'm going to take a break today and let my muscles relax. I'll continue my strength training routine tomorrow morning.



Princess Dieter aka Mir said...

I am always disappointed if I'm NOT sore, so celebrate the soreness. Muscle is being BORN, baby!!!!!!!!!

The Sore Muscle Dance now ensues....::::jig:::::

Maria Bloodwell said...

lol, sore just means your workin! Keep up the good work.

xakikox said...

Being sore is a terrible physical feeling, but an oh so good mental feeling. Remember to drink plenty of water and toe stretch! That will help with the soreness so that you'll get back on the workout wagon faster.

Angela Pea said...

LOL!! Sounds like a wonderful weekend to me - sore and all. Like Mir said, Let the Sore Muscle Dance Begin!