
On a Journey to Wellness

Come with me on my journey to losing weight, getting healthy and going out to meet the world head-on!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Weigh In

Ok so I stepped on the scale this morning and wasn't happy nor was I surprised at what I saw.

Current Weight: 210.2 lbs (that's a 1.8 lbs gain from last week)

Work Out Achievement(s): So looking at that number I really had to re-evaluate what I had done last week. Here it is:

Last Monday, I was training on deer capture and spent my night at a bookstore slirping up Starbucks. No swimming

Last Tuesday, I spent the entire day in Las Vegas trying to run as many errands as I could. I ate at In N Out. A double double, all my fries and a strawberry shake. No swimming.

Last Wednesday, back to normal. No big events. Ate well and went swimming.

I honestly don't remember Thursday. I'm pretty sure I went swimming. Right??

Last Friday, my boss came and brought us Asiago Bread from her local bakery. I started eating away at the cheese bread. That was also the night of the million eaten cookies and a couple of brownies too. Swam half my laps.

Last Saturday, was the dinner with the other environmental conscious ppl. Ate like a mad woman. Ate chips and salsa, salad, two pieces of bbq chicken, rice, two margaritas, Sauted and broiled brussel sprouts, a ton of Date Bread and like 2 and a half eclairs for desert. Swam all my laps.

Last Sunday. Almost back to normal but ate a giant fruit salad followed by a cheese bread sandwich for lunch. Swam all my laps.

So yeah that's the trend. Ate too much, not enough swimming, and if you haven't noticed I STILL haven't re-started my jogging routine.

February is tomorrow and I'll have to re-weigh myself for the Monthly Weight Log on the side panel --->

I doubt there will be much change but I was really hoping to go down a few more pounds.

If I don't watch myself I'll end up in another plateau like I did all last summer. NOT Good!

Goal(s): I'm going to try my Hardest to re-start my jogging routine and watch my food intake. I'm not sure what it is that's making me so ravenous but I have to figure it out.
I'm a little stressed out right now so that might have something to do with it.

Do you have those weeks where you just can't stop eating? How do you work past that?


Friday, January 28, 2011


I found out this little town was having a story/presentation about the history of a local. I decided to check it out mainly because my boss was supposed to be there to talk to the presenter afterwards.

So that means I had to rush my swimming to make it in time. Which means I only did half my laps. Then I got there and they had cookies and other baked goods. I ate some (I had already eaten dinner.) After the presentation I ate more.

My boss never showed up. So I went next door the restaurant (where I was working previously) and told the girls there about my cookie eating. They wanted some.

So I went back to get them more cookies... and I ate more.

I took one out for the cook. He didn't want it. So I ate that one too.

Now I'm here. And I just finished writing my new article

Check it Out.

but now I feel incredibly full and a little guilty.

Why cookies? Why are you so good?

Tomorrow will be a better day.

That is all.

<3 w0rld

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Weigh In

Hello Everyone,

It's that time again. Let's start:

Current Weight: 208.2 (that's a 2.2 lbs loss this week)

Work Out Achievement(s): So I'm dying to get to 199 lbs so I can buy my new swimsuit. This poor thing is getting ratty. My goggles also stopped working (the suction stopped working so now water seeps inside and irritates me to no end). I went out of my way today to buy new goggles and I'm already bookmarking the internet page of the swimsuit I want.

I'm actually relieved that I lost any weight at all this week since I've made the mistake of cutting my swimming short more than once last week. I've been trying to get so many things done that I have been doing less laps than I'm used to. That is NOT good. If I keep this up I'm going to get lazy and start skipping swimming all together. I need to make sure I don't do that.

This weekend was also not good for the diet. Ironically enough as I was writing my weight loss article, while at Borders, I ended up buying and eating food from their Starbucks. That food is sooo not good for me. I need to watch that too.

Other than that this weekend was AWESOME because I got to learn a new trade (deer capture and release) and also had a chance to do some good hiking while looking for a radio collar with Radio Telemetry. We ended up going up and down adjacent canyons looking for a possibly dead radio collared deer. We were about ready to give up when we found it... next to the road.. on flat ground. No deer in sight. Darn thing gave us the slip! LOL

Goal(s): So I doubt I'll get much of a chance to visit bookstores this week so I think the temptation to buy that Grande Double Chocolate Chip and that scone will subside and things will get better.

I have my new goggles now so I have no excuse not to go swimming. Our schedule should be more routine so I also don't have any excuse to skimp out on my swimming either.

I'm preparing a new article as I type this. I'm thinking what I'll do is try to write 2 articles a week. One specific on local functions (since I AM a LOCAL examiner) and one focused more on what it takes to lose weight and looking in to reasons we gain weight in the first place etc.

Today's article will be focused on local events. So if you're from the Inland Empire this should be relevant to you. LOL

Till we meet again!

Monday, January 24, 2011

My Weight Loss Article is IN!

Hello Everyone!

So I finally wrote my first article for the Please take a look.

It's an introduction to weight loss. Now, many of you fellow bloggers might read this and won't be surprised. Everything I've learned I've mainly learned from the Bloggers world. I simply wanted to create a tone or theme to get me started and put a little bit of my 'personality' in there. LOL

This is going to be interesting because I'm still learning about what it takes to lose weight, I still have weight to lose and I'm still going to be writing this blog.

One thing I want to make sure I do is to create a a clear separation between my personal blogging and "third person" and "local" article writing.

For now this first article is very general. I'm hoping that with feedback and experience I'll be able to make that distinction and create something amazing that people would really find useful.

Thank you for being with me so far. Wish Me Luck!

Biting my lip with (happy, nervous, freaked out?) jitters!


p.s. Weigh In will be tomorrow since I spent my day learning Deer Capture outside of the Nevada Border today. SO Awesome!

here's a sneak peek:

Letting the guy go after finishing all our data. Aaaah so exciting!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

OMG Risk Taking is Paying Off!

Super exciting news everyone!

As I mentioned in my last post I have declared that this year would be "The Year of Risk Taking" and described the few things I have done so far to start this year off.

Well guess what?

I have just received an Invitation to be an Examiner! That's the online article writing part time gig I mentioned.

The most interesting part? The project I proposed was non other than looking at Weight Loss Blogging as being an excellent source and support for Weight Loss Journey people!

How blogging has helped so many.
How interesting it is that the internet has provided such a new age wave of creativity, writing and support that not only inspires people but betters their lives (at least physically)
How it's becoming more popular and noticed by the media.

Etc Etc.

I can't believe this! This is going to be so FUN!

You just watch. I'll keep you posted and once my page is set up I'll totally link it for the world to see!

Now let's hope I don't screw this up!


A part from that there are already some drawbacks to risk taking. It looks like my new job as a Buser/Server at a restaurant isn't going to work out.

Do I suck as a waitress?

Actually no. I'm pretty good at it. It just ended up conflicting too much with my full time Biology job, hence I was biting off more than I could chew (boy do I know how that works) only this time it's metaphorical.

C'est la vie my friends. But either way I don't regret any of my decisions so far.

This new Risk Taking project is turning out pretty interesting so far!

Until next time!


Monday, January 17, 2011

Super Quick Weigh In!

I have 10 minutes before going back to work!

Let's go!

Current Weight: 210.4 lbs (that's exactly 3 lbs lost. Not bad!)

Work Out Achievement(s): So Monday came too quickly. I didn't get a chance to even Start my jogging in the mornings. Honestly my schedule is horrible right now. I know that's not a good excuse but it's true.

Other than that I've been good and haven't eaten at the restaurant where I've been working. It looks like I'm going to cut my hours working there drastically since it's starting to interfere with my Field Work, but a girl has priorities!

I'm still swimming and I came up with a goal! The second I turn 199 lbs (not 200 because I want to leave the 200's for good!) I will buy myself a new swimsuit!

Which brings us to..

Goal(s): The swimsuit I have is stretched out like you can't believe. It looks like I wore it, gained weight, lost it, jumped around like crazy with it on, and now it looks like a stretched deflated balloon!

Not cool.

So besides trying a second attempt at starting my jogging routine (these last couple of days have been warmer so maybe if I start REALLY early it'll work) I'm keeping myself going by saying that once I lose 11 more pounds I'll buy myself a new swimsuit.

11 lbs! I can do that right? SURE I CAN!

That's all for now lovelies!


Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Year of Risk Taking

I could also title this post of "The Year of Trying Something New" or "The Year of Finally Doing what I Say I'm Going to Do" but somehow "The Year of Risk Taking" sounds so much better doesn't it?

So what is this post about anyway? It's time to take a second and talk about the other aspect of this blog. WELLNESS, I try to remind myself is MORE than weight loss. It also has to do with psychological and spiritual health. etc..

It's time to recognize my need to be MORE, do MORE and become BETTER. More than just getting a smaller waist span.

So I've decided that this year; 2011, is going to be the year I try different and new things that the OLD me would never, hesitate, or talk myself out of to DO.

Last year was the year of "Just Do It Already!" and you know what? It worked. I'm here aren't I? 40 lbs lighter. Procrastination fighter extraordinaire! Right?

Well it's time to take a step further and try new things.

I've already started too!

What have I done?

Well it first started with the second job I've taken on. A Buser/Server at the local restaurant.

Now I've NEVER worked with food before. No, I didn't work at Burger King during high school. I didn't help my artsy friends waitress weddings in college. I stayed in and stayed behind a desk until I bought some hiking shoes and went out to the field.

So I've always been curious about working in something that seemed incredibly alien to me. The restaurant industry. I was even planning on backing out after I first mentioned I was interesting in working. But I told myself NO. You SHOULD do this. Just try it out. If it doesn't work out, fine. But at least TRY it Elina!

So I did. So far it's been good. I like keeping busy. Boom, boom, boom. Do this, clean that. Take this, serve that. I like being on top of things. So far so good. (Though I'm a little tired.) And luckily I haven't really had the urge to eat the food I'm serving. I'm terribly relieved.

Now what else have I done?

I applied and proposed a project to an online job. Again something completely different; journalism. My awesome cousin sent me a link to the website, where people can make extra money writing reviews and etc 2-3 times a week on a subject they know well. The old me would have hesitated and then talked myself out of applying saying something like "you're not a writer, you're a reader. No ones going to hire you anyway." But not this time! I not only applied I proposed my own project. It was a little outside of the box and I doubt I'll get a call back but you Never Know! I'm just happy I did it. Hell Yeah!

and the last thing I've done so far to initiate "T.Y.O.R.T"? While working at the restaurant a few nights ago this cute french guy gave me his email address telling me that if I ever return to Paris to contact him and he'll be my tour guide.

Now the old Elina wouldn't have even given the guy a pen to write down his info telling him "Oh no I don't even know when I'll get a chance to go back. But thanks though!"
The New Elina barely hesitated before asking for pen and paper, gave her own email address and smiled. ... and what else folks?

I've already emailed him.

Nothing big. I just reminded him who I was and that I was going to take him up on his offer the second I save up my tip money! LOL

No big deal right? You do these kinds of things between flying your jet and running a marathon right? What's the big deal Elina? you ask.

My answer to all this is, "You work on your challenges. I work on mine."

Growing up with non existent self esteem and the terrible habit of doubting myself and losing opportunities because of it, these kinds of accomplishments are HUGE for me.

And this is only the beginning folks.

I'm going to make it a habit to do these little things. Who knows where it'll take me! Who I'll meet. What I'll learn.

Top this off with my continued effort to weight loss and watch out world-- I would have created a firecracker!

Just watch!

have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Quick Weigh In

Hello Everyone,

I've been so busy already this week that I completely missed out on my Weigh In yesterday so here goes~

Current Weight: 213.4 lbs (my new fancy-shmancy scale is working beautifully~)

Work Out Achievement(s): So looking at the scale yesterday morning I was actually kind of relieved it wasn't a higher number. Although I've been swimming I haven't been able to eat well balanced meals and had to eat out almost everyday last week.

Juan Pollo
Burger King
Panda Express

all fast food style chains and all calorie filled food that I could have done without but had to settle for since I was out in semi-civilization last week trying to get our work truck fixed.

Anyway this also means that I STILL haven't returned to jogging in the mornings because my mornings are now busy and to top it off I just started my second job...

at a Diner!

This is going to be tricky since this means that on Monday and Tuesday nights I'll be working and won't have time to swim, let alone being exposed to diner food all night during dinner hours.

I can survive this!!

This means that my swimming schedule will be changed and my temptation level is going to rise.

Let's keep posted on my progress. This is my first week with this new schedule so I'll have to see how it works for me and my "weight loss journey."

Besides that work is killing me. I'm sore more often, which I think just means I have to get my muscles re-adjusted for field work after my holiday snooze.

Wish me luck!

Goal(s): Ok so like I mentioned this new schedule and this new job is going to really challenge me so for this week I'm going to try to avoid eating diner food. Go back to cooking dinners for myself now that I don't have to be exposed to fast food, and try to re-start my jogging routine.

That's all for now folks. Hopefully I'll be able to make a nice interactive post later this week.

Till then!


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Do I Stop at Snow?

First of all let me apologize for the lack of action in this blog these last few days. My energy level has been dragging since I got back to the desert and I'm trying to simply get through the week.

But this brings me to the question, "If you've been so low and tired have you been continuing your weight loss journey?"

The answer is YES! But with A LOT of effort.

When I came back to the desert Sunday afternoon I could barely make it through the door. Let's just say there was no way I made it to the pool that night.

And then something happened Sunday night to make me feel worse. It SNOWED.

Now some (or most) of you may not know but I am not the greatest fan of snow. Being a So-Calian I am not used to snow let alone waking up to it. To me snow is the pretty white stuff that decorates the mountains that make up the view, NOT stuff you trek through while working.

My depressed, sick, low energy, and Monday hating persona was not very happy with this, though I do admit the view was absolutely Gorgeous!

The snow melted by mid afternoon but I admit I was using the snow as an excuse to not go to the pool again.

"I draw the line at snow. Who in their right mind would go to an OUTDOOR Pool when it snows?!"

But then I realized that if I didn't swim I would slowly be going on a steady downward spiral to lazyness, fatness, and "I just can't lose weight." mentality.

So I told myself No. I've gone to that pool when it's been colder, windier, rainier, Lightning-ier than how the weather was that day.

The day was even clear. No wind. No rain. Completely still and beautiful.

The pool had clouds of steam coming out of it for goodness sake! (Remember this pool is a Natural Warm Springs Pool filled by a near by Warm Spring)

Do I stop at snow?

The answer is no. I got myself off my ass and put on that suit. Grabbed my towels, goggles and pool key and walked the distance to the pool.

I swam.

I felt better.

I've been going nightly since then.

This journey does not stop just because I "don't feel it." It doesn't stop because "It's cold." or "I'm getting over a stomache ache." or "I have work tomorrow."

To be honest even today I don't have a lot of energy. I'm still complaining about the cold and I'm worried about frost going too far in the mornings. I'm not happy with my job right now nor am I happy with my life right now.

But I can't give up on something I've started just because I don't feel like it. I have to keep going and things will get better. I HAVE to believe that. Maybe it's only swimming right now. But hopefully tomorrow I won't dread going to work and return to enjoying it. Hopefully soon I'll get my act together and finally take the GRE and apply to Grad school. Hopefully one day I'll buy a pair of jeans at a regular department store and not have to go to the "Plus Size" or "Womens" section.

One day at a time right?

One day at a time.

Happy January!


p.s. I bought myself a new, electronic, easy to read-and-won't-lie-to-me scale. I'll use it to weigh In on Monday. Till then! <3

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!

I had such big plans for this day and this post. Talking specifically about how the year went to get me this far and what my plans are for this year...

but sadly I'm currently sick. I stupidly decided to get the flu shot two days before new years and I ended up getting sick, shivery, light headed and slightly feverish for the last few days.

Today those symptoms are mainly gone but they're replaced by an upset stomach (since last night). Sure it prevented me from binging on food last night for New Years Eve dinner but it also left me running to the bathroom all day, closing my nose to any smells of food, and in bed the whole day.

The only thing I've eaten all day is a slice of cake (I know not very smart), a few ounces of milk, a cup of green tea with honey and endless glasses of water.

Thinking, smelling or looking at anything makes me dizzy and nauseous.

So for now I'm going to take it easy and save my amazing posts for when I feel better. LOL

Here's hoping your New Years is better than mine and we'll meet again soon!

Happy New Year!
