So what is this post about anyway? It's time to take a second and talk about the other aspect of this blog. WELLNESS, I try to remind myself is MORE than weight loss. It also has to do with psychological and spiritual health. etc..
It's time to recognize my need to be MORE, do MORE and become BETTER. More than just getting a smaller waist span.
So I've decided that this year; 2011, is going to be the year I try different and new things that the OLD me would never, hesitate, or talk myself out of to DO.
Last year was the year of "Just Do It Already!" and you know what? It worked. I'm here aren't I? 40 lbs lighter. Procrastination fighter extraordinaire! Right?
Well it's time to take a step further and try new things.
I've already started too!
What have I done?
Well it first started with the second job I've taken on. A Buser/Server at the local restaurant.
Now I've NEVER worked with food before. No, I didn't work at Burger King during high school. I didn't help my artsy friends waitress weddings in college. I stayed in and stayed behind a desk until I bought some hiking shoes and went out to the field.
So I've always been curious about working in something that seemed incredibly alien to me. The restaurant industry. I was even planning on backing out after I first mentioned I was interesting in working. But I told myself NO. You SHOULD do this. Just try it out. If it doesn't work out, fine. But at least TRY it Elina!
So I did. So far it's been good. I like keeping busy. Boom, boom, boom. Do this, clean that. Take this, serve that. I like being on top of things. So far so good. (Though I'm a little tired.) And luckily I haven't really had the urge to eat the food I'm serving. I'm terribly relieved.
Now what else have I done?
I applied and proposed a project to an online job. Again something completely different; journalism. My awesome cousin sent me a link to the website, where people can make extra money writing reviews and etc 2-3 times a week on a subject they know well. The old me would have hesitated and then talked myself out of applying saying something like "you're not a writer, you're a reader. No ones going to hire you anyway." But not this time! I not only applied I proposed my own project. It was a little outside of the box and I doubt I'll get a call back but you Never Know! I'm just happy I did it. Hell Yeah!
and the last thing I've done so far to initiate "T.Y.O.R.T"? While working at the restaurant a few nights ago this cute french guy gave me his email address telling me that if I ever return to Paris to contact him and he'll be my tour guide.
Now the old Elina wouldn't have even given the guy a pen to write down his info telling him "Oh no I don't even know when I'll get a chance to go back. But thanks though!"
The New Elina barely hesitated before asking for pen and paper, gave her own email address and smiled. ... and what else folks?
I've already emailed him.
Nothing big. I just reminded him who I was and that I was going to take him up on his offer the second I save up my tip money! LOL
No big deal right? You do these kinds of things between flying your jet and running a marathon right? What's the big deal Elina? you ask.
My answer to all this is, "You work on your challenges. I work on mine."
Growing up with non existent self esteem and the terrible habit of doubting myself and losing opportunities because of it, these kinds of accomplishments are HUGE for me.
And this is only the beginning folks.
I'm going to make it a habit to do these little things. Who knows where it'll take me! Who I'll meet. What I'll learn.
Top this off with my continued effort to weight loss and watch out world-- I would have created a firecracker!
Just watch!
have a great weekend everyone!
You look great! Definitely more chin definition! Keep it up!
You look AMAZING love, and I'm so glad that you applied!:) <3
love this post! keep up the good work.
Maybe you could call it the year of living dangerously.
You look fabulous! Way to go on taking risks this year- I need to learn some things from you!
Thank you for you kind words every one. Christine I've been wanting to thank you especially but I'm having issues leaving comments on your blog. :(
Thanks again!
p.s. btw this pic is from Last October. LOL. I'll try to take a more recent pic soon!
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