
On a Journey to Wellness

Come with me on my journey to losing weight, getting healthy and going out to meet the world head-on!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Weigh In: My last jog on the West End

Hello Everyone,

I know I've been a bit distant lately. First I was going through some sort of melancholy phase and then I went on my trip to Mexico. I flew in to LAX 2 nights ago and now here I am!

Although I didn't post it my weight before my trip was 199.6 lbs. Now that I came back -- and after indulging in some delicious Mexican dishes -- I weighed myself this morning to see the damage. Here it is.

Current Weight: 202.8 lbs (Predictable.)

Work Out Achievement(s): I was actually pleasantly surprised I didn't gain more weight than this and although I haven't been eating the healthiest food in the last couple of days I KNOW I can get rid of these few pounds in a couple of weeks.

Honestly, the hardest thing is forcing myself to go back to blogging. This break really opened my eyes on how easy it is to lose a streak, and how hard it can be to try and re-start the habit.

But, like other times, simply logging on to blogger and reading some amazing entries gave me that final push to get off my ass... and in to my running shoes!

Tonight is my last night on the western side of the island. Tomorrow will be my last day. I realized that unless I woke up really early tomorrow morning I would miss my chance to get one more jog in this gorgeous area of the island. Since I hadn't been jogging in almost two weeks there was no way I was going to pass up this opportunity.

I decided to take my camera this time.

Stretching before the run.

The start of the jog

Passing by the section that burned earlier this year. :(

After turning to start the long stretch to the end of the road.

I can see the end of the stretch. Do you see the benches past the palm trees?

Reached the end of the strip and take a second to take this pic of the "Pregnant Indian Princess" Do you see it?

Turning around. You can now see all I've jogged and what I have to re-jog to finish the 2 mile stretch. I love this bench. "Never trust a skinny chef."

This road is called Ballast Point. This is the actual 'ballast point'. The story being that old ships would drop their ballasts here and therefore created this stretch of sand.

Cute older couple, 12 o'clock!

Final stretch. Take a left, up the hill and you're done!

All done! Sweat is beautiful right? LOL

Can I just say taking pictures while jogging is HARD! But that's what I got. Catalina is a beautiful place isn't it? Gotta love it.

Goals: I'm going to take it one day at a time right now. I think most of my slump had to do with the fact I didn't make it to my goal weight by my birthday like I had hoped/promised myself. So for now I'm just going to take it one thing at a time and just try to go back to healthy habits. Drink enough water. Exercise 30 minutes a day or more. Eat veggies and fruit. Stay away from processed food. Etc.

Wish me luck and I'm happy to be back!


1 comment:

x said...

good to see you back. I cant wait to hear about what new thing you enjoy on your next assignment. you being in Catalina got me all inspired about the channel swim there.