
On a Journey to Wellness

Come with me on my journey to losing weight, getting healthy and going out to meet the world head-on!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Exercise on the Las Vegas Strip

Today was the second time this month that I (on a whim) decided to walk the Las Vegas Strip as a form of exercise, but mainly for fun.

The first time (the yellow line. Click to enlarge.) I walked from the MGM to the Mirage a total (according to google maps) as 1.4 miles not including going through casinos, exhibits and extra walkways which could have definitely doubled this number. I took the tram back to the MGM.

Today I decided to do the second half (the black line) from the Mirage to the Stratosphere which is a total of 4.4 miles round trip (1.7 miles one way). This is NOT to mention walking around the casinos and not just in a straight line AND using the stairs every step of the way instead of all the convenient escalators and elevators. So it could very well have been over a 5 mile walk.

Although I really enjoyed walking the strip at dusk and night when all the lights are on I had a lot of fun walking it this morning (Started around 9:00 am and returned to my car by 11:30 a.m.) because the streets weren't so crowded and the people that were out that early were also power walking, jogging, or just enjoying the nice morning. Of course most of the stores and attractions were closed but I wasn't there to go in to shops. I was just there to walk. LOL.

I wasn't in a huge rush and although I took a lot of pictures the first time around I didn't take any this time and simply enjoyed it.

I mean if you have access to such an interesting place why not take advantage of it right?

Have a great Friday everyone!


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