
On a Journey to Wellness

Come with me on my journey to losing weight, getting healthy and going out to meet the world head-on!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Weigh In

So it's after Christmas and before New Years. The damage is:

Current Weight: 220 lbs.
(Obviously I'm not surprised. This simply proves the fact that the second I stop exercising and minding what I eat I can gain 10-15 lbs in a week. Point taken.)

Work Out Achievement(s): Went for a walk twice (three times if you count me running around shopping early in the week) but that's about it.

I've also been OD-ing on chocolate this whole week.

It's a little scary actually to realize that more than once this week I eat and then soon after I feel so SICK that I want to throw up. I never do. And I'll never force myself to throw up either. I don't want to end up with a new complex thank you very much.

But yes I've also noticed the other feeling of BLOATING. Lately after filling myself up to sickness I've also noticed that I start feeling bloated and pressure in my abdomen area. Not exactly cramps but not too far away from them either.

I thought about it and realized that I can actually FEEL myself gaining weight.

It's a little scary. I don't like it!

Goal(s): New week. I have one more week at home before New Years rolls around and rolls away and I go back to work.

I need to work on working out and work on losing weight (or at least maintaining where I'm at and not gaining anymore!). I'm not interested in starting the New Year back to where I started. Thank you very much.

I promise to pop in to Blog-land more often this week. It's also become obvious that anytime I take a break from blogging I become lax and irresponsible when it comes to my weight.

Wish me luck!

Have a Great New Year!


1 comment:

Christine said...

It isn't hard to do, gain weight..much harder to lose. gaining is just not paying attention. losing is paying attention every day all day. Glad you are back on the wagon.
Keep up the good work.