
On a Journey to Wellness

Come with me on my journey to losing weight, getting healthy and going out to meet the world head-on!

Friday, June 10, 2011

You can't tell Me what to eat!!

That's how I've been feeling these last couple of days. I've been eating like CRAZY with sugar and baked goods urges and then completely disregarding how full I feel and completely going AGAINST what I told myself I was going to pay attention to this week!

Last night I took sometime to ask myself:

And then it hit me. This is why I tell people I don't "diet". This is why I had always failed at any strict diets before. I HATE being told WHAT to eat. Or how much for that matter... The fact that *I* am the one telling *myself* is irrelevant.

So I've been sabotaging my efforts. Ridiculous isn't it? I told myself I "can't" eat certain foods or I have to stop eating after a certain amount and I automatically go nuts and against it.

That's why I can't say I "diet". That's why I cannot reveal (even to myself) that I'm restricting my intakes (and not say "restrict"). I seriously have to sneak around my subconscious to eat right like you sneak broccoli in to a whinny kids meal so they don't know they're eating stuff that's good for them.

So how do I fix this without completely abandoning my goal to eat within 1220-1570 calories? Well my plan was to originally count my calories until I get adjusted to the new intake. Once I have a good idea how much food I should be eating I stop counting and then "wing" it.

I think it's time for me to leave the calorie counter. I will finish off the weekend and then stop.

There are a whole bunch of other little tricks I do. I make sure the food I have around is healthy (like fruits and veggies) and completely eat to my hearts content. Another is once I STOP counting, I somehow feel like I'm no longer under investigation and I relax. Once I relax I realize I make the right choices without effort.

It's quite amazing really. I usually don't go too far in to figuring out why or else it'll burst the bubble. (If you get my meaning).

I've probably said too much already.

Have a great weekend!


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