
On a Journey to Wellness

Come with me on my journey to losing weight, getting healthy and going out to meet the world head-on!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What to do when Sugar Calls?

This post isn't an antedote on what to do when you get cravings. This is honestly a plea and a question I'm asking the world because in all honestly, SUGAR IS TEMPTING ME! It's calling my name and pulling me toward it. WTH!!

Yesterday my sister and I went to our favorite Borders to go online (our internets have been turned off this week.. don't ask.. just know that until next week our house is shut down to the outside world).

Anyway, we were sitting at the cafe. I was checking my email and doing a couple of internet errands. My sister was waiting patiently to use my sexy comp (yes I think my laptop is sexy. It's a big and shiny Dell. It's new, it's black and it's just.. well sexy. LOL)

I kept glancing at the cashier section, with their breads and sugary snacks display. Their posters of frothy drinks and their pictures of the Public Market in Seattle

and I could literally feel a pull to want to go over there, bring out my Debit card and buy the entire cafe!

I kept asking my sister randomly if she wanted something, simply for an excuse to buy myself a Double Chocolate Chip frapaccino, buy a cookie, buy a scone. Buy a Chai Latte.. anything!

but no.

My sister wasn't interested. I couldn't find a valid reason as to why I should buy something. I wasn't hungry. I wasn't thirsty. Why should I?

After a while I finished my internet wanderings, left my sexy comp to my sis and wandered the book store. Looking for something to take my mind off the pull to sugary goodness.

After a while I couldn't take it anymore and I decided to leave.

It got to the point where I was giving myself a headache just thinking and fighting myself to NOT go up there. It kind of freaked me out. But no. We left without ever stepping one step closer to the cashier.


Now you would think this is a tale of triumph. Elina wins over the evil Seattle's Best Coffee. Puts her foot down. Raises her arm like Gandalf and screams out "Step Away Temptress!! I am stronger than you!"

But alas no.. that is not the case. Today I returned to Borders ( how else could I make this update without internet right?) and what is the first thing I do when I walk through the door?

I order a White Caramel Cold Latte. The empty cup is sitting next to my sexy comp as I type. The latte wasn't even good... yet I downed it.

I don't even like coffee....


What to do when Sugar Calls?? ... Go somewhere else for your wifi.


I will prevail!!



Unknown said...

I was craving sugar/dessert yesterday but I didn't know what to have. The idea of ice cream isn't appealing with all the calories, and a slice of cheesecake would be about the same. I walked outside and went to the store - I needed soap lol. As I walked I remembered that I use to go get frozen yogurt whenever I'd have a craving of those, so I went! It was perfect, I got a medium sized serving of the tart flavor (which I love because of its taste and the fact that it's fat free) and I topped it off with fresh strawberries and a few pieces of cheesecake bites. Maybe you should try it, I definitely recommend it! =)

Blubeari said...

Hi there. :-) I gave you an award on my blog!

w0rld4vamps said...

Ooh. I would totally go for frozen yogurt.. If I could find a freaken fro-yo shop around here! I know there HAS to be one.. but where is the question.. where?!


Oh and thank you for the award Blubeari. I'm honored. lol