
On a Journey to Wellness

Come with me on my journey to losing weight, getting healthy and going out to meet the world head-on!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Late Weigh In

I weighed in today. I was so nervous after eating bread and dairy all last week. I honestly didn't want to weigh in.

But here it is:

Current Weight: 207.2 lbs (-0.2 lbs)

I lost the little I must have gained during my binge. I'm so happy to see that it didn't get too bad.

To double check my weight loss I measured my hips and waist.

I lost 1/4 inch on my hips (finally!) and lost 3/4 of an inch on my waist.

That's a total of 1/4 inch off my hips and 1 1/4 inches off my waist since I started my calorie counting streak. I'm thrilled I'm seeing results no matter how snail pace it is.

It's time for work now. I hope that getting back in to the swing of things will help give me some energy. I'm emotionally drained right now.

I'll continue my calorie counting streak and try to stay closer to 1500 calories.

The start of the week hasn't been any better. I'll check in again later.

Have a great week everyone!


1 comment:

Nanette N. said...

You are a champ! I'm happy to see that you're seeing results.

I have fallen off the calorie counting wagon in a big way these past couple of weeks while I've settled into employment.

I'm terribly sorry to be a bad accountability buddy. It's looking like, with the current schedule, I can catch up with your stuff on the weekeends.

I'm proud of you. I get the emotional stress. I've experienced some of that myself for the EXACT same reasons you emailed me about.