
On a Journey to Wellness

Come with me on my journey to losing weight, getting healthy and going out to meet the world head-on!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Jogging at 7500 ft=SUCCESS!

Happy Wednesday!

So now that I'm up in the mountains I was experiencing what I now know is called "altitude sickness" due to the loss of oxygen.

Head-achey, drowsy, and of course short of breath.

I felt much better the second day (yesterday) and finally got off my ass and attempted to jog the stretch of road from the field station to the highway.

By the middle of it my breath started to catch and I slowed down considerably (but I made it!).

Today I woke up and felt pretty good (no headache and much more awake than before) so I went jogging.

I was out and back before I noticed what was going on!

YES! I beat altitude sickness! *knock on wood*

yesterdays time: 50 minutes out and back
Todays time: 32 minutes out and back

woop woop!

Now I have to figure out what the distance is. Time to bring out the old "drive the stretch and use the mileage to figure it out" scheme. LOL

I just came back. My face is still cooling down. I just had to write it down.

Have a great Wednesday. Pictures coming soon!


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